We’re here to help

If you need urgent help, please call 999 or your local Mental Health Crisis Team.

Speak over the phone

If you are a parent in the antenatal or postnatal period and are worried about yourself or your partner, please do not hesitate to contact House of Light on 0800 043 2031.

You will need to give your name and telephone number to our administrator who will then pass it to one of our specialist perinatal therapists. In most cases you will receive a call back within 48 hours.

If you feel you are in crisis, please contact your local mental health crisis team. Here in Hull and East Riding the telephone number is 0800 138 0990.

If you require urgent immediate help, please call 999.

If you’d like to email

If you do not feel comfortable using the phone or are unable to find a confidential space, you can send an email to [email protected] and we will aim to respond within 24 hours.

Support Group

We are currently running an online support group. This takes place on Zoom every Wednesday morning between 10am and 11am. If you would like to join this friendly support group you can follow us on Facebook and join from the link or email us, we will send you a link to your email.

Our Locations

Main Office

Third Floor,
K2 Tower,
60 Bond Street,
HU1 3EN.

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Anlaby Office

McMillan House,
6 Wolfreton Drive,
HU10 7BY.

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Online Contact form